Komise představila balíček pro lepší regulaci
Evropská komise v úterý 19. května přijala balíček, který má vést ke zjednodušení evropské legislativy, snížení administrativní zátěže a většímu otevření legislativního procesu firmám, odborům, zájmovým skupinám i široké veřejnosti. Po jednodušších pravidlech a omezení
The annual Civil Society Day in Brussels
On 16 June 2015, the annual Civil Society Day organised by the EESC and the EESC Liaison Group will take place in Brussels. This year’s edition, „Civil dialogue: a tool for better legislation in the
Riga Summit
This evening, the long expected Riga Summit will start with the EU leaders‘ working dinner with the heads of government from the Eastern Partnership countries. President Aliyev from Azerbaijan will not be able to attend,
Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
The second day of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum’s Conference kicks off in Riga 21.5. The European Movement International is represented by the co-chair of the Political Committee „Europe in the World“, Vice-President Natasa
Next European Council
On 25-26 June, the next European Council will take place. The annotated draft agenda was discussed by the General Affairs Council at the beginning of this week. The European Council will discuss: Security challenges – Review